Monday, September 20, 2010
President Obama Insults African American Voters

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Witch Craft, Really Christine?

Catholic Femina Speaks: We understand that many of our politicians are flawed, but cannot settle for mediocre people who do not hold to the faith of our country. Our values will never be recognized by candidates who moke us and use us. Wake-up America, and look to good people. Not the lesser of two evils....
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"Animal Farm Schools"

Today I was excited to announce that my daughter had completed her pre-kindergarten program. My pediatrician, friends, and teachers praised my children's intelligence. They frequently told me how they were so far above the average, I must admit that this did boost my ego. Every parent wants to think that their child is extraordinary.
So the ambitious parent that I am, I started the search for the perfect kindergarten program for my four-year-old to give her a year advantage. I have spent time in the public schools, and observed that nothing is really taught in kindergarten except discipline. Confident that my daughter has surpassed the preliminary kindergarten level I ambitiously looked for the best first grade program. Determined not to leave a stone unturned I googled: "the best first grade program." This brought me to a Quaker school, known as the Sidwell Friend School. I read in the short bio that President Obama sends his daughters to this school, I found this odd considering the president's insistence on the greatness of our public education system, yet he places his children in a private institution. I downloaded a portion of math homework from the website, and I was shocked at the difficulty! The work that I had given my daughter did not compare... I felt deceived, weren't my children smart? They passed the pediatrician's development exams, my daughter surpasses the standard for public first grade even? Investigating deeper, I discovered that second graders, in this private school for the privileged, were completeing vin diagrams and answering questions on them! The school's lunches are organic, consisting of well-balanced meals, not at all like the poorly prepared pre-pakaged food I had seen in the public schools.
The incident reminded me of the 1947 book Animal Farm, by George Orwell... "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." Orwell risked his life under communist scrutiny to send this message to his people. How is this happening in our country? Aren't all children worth a good education and decent food? Obviously our president doesn't think so, he praises the public school system while keeping his children away from it. As I searched for true evaluation of education I am going to keep Orwell's words in my mind. If you have children look at their work, are you being deceived? Are you a part of a movement to steal your children's future? Throw the norm to the wind ignore the standard tests, look at hard facts. Look at the education system carefully, and decide the truth for yourself. Is the public education system really seeking the good of our children, or is it a mass movement to prevent our children from real success!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Eucharistic Ministers: How Many is too Many?

The reverence due to the Eucharist is something that cannot be ignored, and well meaning grandmas and sweatshirt wearing teens who want to feel included, while not needed, is not doing anyone a favor. In my home parish we witness the communion rush; people are in such a hurry to take their Jesus and go. I firmly hold that Eucharistic ministers add to this lack of reverence. Anything worth having is worth waiting for. In our instant gratification world it is difficult to think of communion as a means of worship rather than the fast food drive thru. The over-use of Eucharistic minister’s is clear when it is obvious that given a few extra moments the priest or an additional minister could amply suffice.
Catholic Femina Speaks… So my own reaction to the army of Eucharistic ministers is to walk respectfully and reverently to the priest or deacon for communion. I am not worried about hurting anyone’s feelings; I am just trying to live out my faith fully. I understand that in the case of large crowds ministers are needed and I respect that, but I have been to daily mass with twelve people and had three of them rise to be Eucharistic ministers. This is an abuse, and I hope by my cordially passing up the convenient minister for the duly ordained priest I may due reverence to the Blessed Sacrament and make less need for the unnecessary ministers.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ave Maria University Recieves Full Accredidation!

AVE MARIA, Fla. (June 24, 2010) – The Commission on Colleges (COC) of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) announced today that Ave Maria University (AMU) has officially been awarded “accredited membership” status and is now an accredited member of the COC. The announcement was made as part of the actions taken by the COC at its summer meeting held in Birmingham, Ala.
This distinction signifies that AMU meets the requirements and standards for accreditation published in the Principles of Accreditation and has been judged by its peers as worthy of membership in the Commission and Association. Membership will provide opportunities for the university to continue to grow and be eligible to further enhance and expand its programs to better serve its current and future students. SACS membership covers both the campus in Ave Maria, Fla., and the branch Latin American Campus in San Marcos, Nicaragua.
A division of the “Southern Association”, the COC accredits higher education institutions through a standardized multi-year application and review process designed to ensure that all member colleges and universities meet the requirements of the COC. The COC has awarded AMU membership and authorized the institution to grant accredited bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.
Membership status is achieved after an institution of higher education completes both the pre-accreditation or “Candidacy” and “initial Accreditation” processes, which include: submitting an application; undergoing an internal review by members of the SACS staff; undergoing an independent third-party review by peer evaluators from COC-member institutions; being evaluated as evidencing compliance with the Core Requirements, applicable Comprehensive Standards and the Federal Requirements section of the Principles of Accreditation; and being judged by the Commission’s Compliance and Review Committee as compliant with the Principles.
AMU Founder and Chancellor, Thomas S. Monaghan, AMU President, Nicholas J. Healy and AMU Vice President for Academic Affairs, John E. Sites, received the news with excitement and appreciation.
“We have been looking forward to this day for many years,” Monaghan said. “As an institution of higher education, we set out to receive regional accreditation for the good of everyone associated with the university, and it is very gratifying to receive this recognition. I am also grateful for the cooperation and professionalism of all those at SACS who we worked with through every stage of this process. We are excited about what this means for our alumni and the entire university community, especially our students.”
Monaghan continued, “On behalf of the Board of Trustees and everyone at AMU, I want to thank and congratulate all the university personnel who worked so diligently to attain this milestone; everyone from our vice president for academic affairs, who spearheaded this process, to our tremendous faculty, to each and every staff member who contributed in so many ways, it was truly a team effort and their hard work and dedication is appreciated.”
Healy noted AMU’s commitment to SACS and the process of maintaining membership throughout the coming years.
“Ave Maria pledges that it will continue to comply with all the requirements of membership and looks forward to satisfying the ongoing requirements of, and obligations to, the Southern Association,” Healy said. “We feel privileged to have earned membership in SACS, and we are anxious to launch the next steps of our development. Our future plans, like other institutions of higher learning, are to seek approval for new majors that are in demand from and important to our constituent student populations.
“This process will be governed by our desire and commitment to meet the ongoing obligations and responsibilities of membership in the Commission. We look forward to continuing to serve our current and future students with an excellent liberal arts Core Curriculum and appropriate majors, as well as taking our place in the academy as a member,” Healy concluded.
AMU currently offers 10 undergraduate majors: Biology; Classics; Economics; History; Literature; Mathematics; Music; Philosophy; Politics; and Theology. At its campus in Nicaragua, AMU also offers three degree programs in business administration, politics, and psychology. More than 90 percent of AMU full-time professors have terminal doctoral-level degrees in their specialized fields, usually the Ph.D. Additionally, AMU offers two masters degrees and a Ph.D. program in Theology.
Sites echoed the appreciation of Monaghan and Healy, saying, “I am personally grateful to the Commission on Colleges for its collegial and rigorous efforts in providing an excellent process by which AMU demonstrated the efficacy of its educational program and its commitment to the liberal arts education of our students. I want to thank every member of the two visiting committees and the COC liaison representative, as well as the entire AMU Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, for their time and expertise in making this a fruitful and constructive journey to membership.”
SACS membership will directly benefit AMU students, especially those planning on entering post-graduate programs. Though AMU has been accredited by the American Academy for Liberal Education (AALE) since 2008, some graduate programs accept only alumni of regionally accredited schools. SACS is one of six regional accrediting associations that accredit institutions of higher education in the United States. Membership also will impact university funding and makes AMU eligible to receive additional foundation grants and increased federal and state resources, which would allow the institution to improve and expand programs for students.
As a SACS university member, AMU will strive for continuous improvement in order to maintain accreditation. Members are reevaluated on a regular basis to ensure accreditation criteria continue to be met.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Most Pro-Life Part of The Super Bowl

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Culpability, Responsibility, & Actual Ability...Yours, Mine, Ours???

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Internet Dating: A Tool To Build Up the Church?

Ave Maria Singles
Monday, December 21, 2009
Keeping the Meaning of Christmas Today
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rumor of New Development in Medjugorie Apparition Approval

Vatican Gives A Lesson on How to Say Latin Mass
Catholic Femina Speaks: The Tridentine Mass is so long been ignored that the priests of today do not know or understand its rituals and traditions. The return of the full beauty of the Tridentine mass will take time, as the priests learn how to say and the laity learn how to respond and participate.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Traditional- Anglicans Return to the "One" Fold

The prayers of millions have been answered and Christian history has been made on October 20, 2009. 'May They Be One!' In an absolutely stunning announcement on the morning of October 20, the Holy See has, by Apostolic Constitution, provided the canonical vehicle for Anglican Christians to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Catholic
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The View Host Claims Obama's Disqualified For Nobel Prize

Rachel Campos-Duffy, former reality-TV star and current blogger for Anderson Cooper's AC360 blog, was Elizabeth Hasselbeck's fill-in on today's edition of The View. As a conservative fill-in, she did not disappoint.
Before diving into the meat of the blog, however
RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY: Thank you. And, yes, I found happiness after all. And the news is, because I've never come on "The View," as Joy knows, without announcing a pregnancy. And I am having a sixth child and I'm three months pregnant.
That is wonderful news - congratulations to her and her husband Sean.
Now, containing our pro-life glee for a moment, the Viewettes transitioned from a conversation about Campos-Duffy’s happy home life to a discussion of President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize win:
Bear in mind, Campos-Duffy has just transitioned from a discussion of her five (soon to be six) children, and how happy her marriage and life have been. At this point, her position on abortion is completely unchallengeable, even by the arch-liberal Joy Behar. And the Viewettes' reaction?
Yes, Joy Behar is insufferable. But if one were to wait for the response:
If I may be so bold: Rachel, take the children and leave the award. If Al Gore gets this prize, and Mahatma Gandhi doesn't, it's not worth having. News Busters
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Vatican Applauds Obama Peace Prize

Global Warming Hoax Reveals: GLOBAL COOLING!

According to research conducted by Professor Don Easterbrook from
School Sues Father For Pro-Life T-Shirt

Pro-Life In NY Times

Saturday, October 3, 2009
LIFE CHAIN: Sunday October 4, 2:00pm

Friday, October 2, 2009
Octber is Respect Life Month

Update! CONGRATULATIONS!: In One Day FEDS Concede to Keep Christ in Christmas

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Vatican Calls New UN Population Control "Abuse of Power"

The Vatican's chief representative to the United Nations said giving foreign development aid only if a country adopts family planning programs that promote artificial birth control is "an abuse of power." Speaking at the United Nations in New York Sept. 29, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, papal nuncio to the world body, said true development entails respecting human life. However, in some parts of the world, "development aid seems to be tied rather to the recipient countries' willingness to adopt programs which discourage demographic growth of certain populations by methods and practices disrespectful of human dignity and rights," he said. He said it is "both cynical and unfortunate" that the developed world frequently tries to export a mentality of artificial birth control to developing countries "as if it were a form of cultural progress or advancement." "To predicate the decision to give development aid on the acceptance of such policies constitutes an abuse of power," CNS
St. Therese of Lisieux: Exhumation of Her Body
Catholic Femina Speaks: St. Therese of Lisieux is one of my favorite saints, and these clip is in French, but it is worth watching. Since today is her feast day I thought that it would be a great opportunity to post this. Her body is in-corrupt and the miracles attributed to her are always growing.
Obama To Keep Christ out of Christmas

“Banning Christmas from the Capitol Christmas tree is just absurd. Christian students shouldn’t be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “The First Amendment does not allow government officials to exclude schoolchildren’s ornaments for the capitol’s Christmas tree merely because they communicate a religious viewpoint.”