Ave Maria Singles
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Internet Dating: A Tool To Build Up the Church?
Ave Maria Singles
Monday, December 21, 2009
Keeping the Meaning of Christmas Today
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rumor of New Development in Medjugorie Apparition Approval
Vatican Gives A Lesson on How to Say Latin Mass
Catholic Femina Speaks: The Tridentine Mass is so long been ignored that the priests of today do not know or understand its rituals and traditions. The return of the full beauty of the Tridentine mass will take time, as the priests learn how to say and the laity learn how to respond and participate.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Traditional- Anglicans Return to the "One" Fold
The prayers of millions have been answered and Christian history has been made on October 20, 2009. 'May They Be One!' In an absolutely stunning announcement on the morning of October 20, the Holy See has, by Apostolic Constitution, provided the canonical vehicle for Anglican Christians to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Catholic
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The View Host Claims Obama's Disqualified For Nobel Prize
Rachel Campos-Duffy, former reality-TV star and current blogger for Anderson Cooper's AC360 blog, was Elizabeth Hasselbeck's fill-in on today's edition of The View. As a conservative fill-in, she did not disappoint.
Before diving into the meat of the blog, however
RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY: Thank you. And, yes, I found happiness after all. And the news is, because I've never come on "The View," as Joy knows, without announcing a pregnancy. And I am having a sixth child and I'm three months pregnant.
That is wonderful news - congratulations to her and her husband Sean.
Now, containing our pro-life glee for a moment, the Viewettes transitioned from a conversation about Campos-Duffy’s happy home life to a discussion of President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize win:
Bear in mind, Campos-Duffy has just transitioned from a discussion of her five (soon to be six) children, and how happy her marriage and life have been. At this point, her position on abortion is completely unchallengeable, even by the arch-liberal Joy Behar. And the Viewettes' reaction?
Yes, Joy Behar is insufferable. But if one were to wait for the response:
If I may be so bold: Rachel, take the children and leave the award. If Al Gore gets this prize, and Mahatma Gandhi doesn't, it's not worth having. News Busters
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Vatican Applauds Obama Peace Prize
Global Warming Hoax Reveals: GLOBAL COOLING!
According to research conducted by Professor Don Easterbrook from
School Sues Father For Pro-Life T-Shirt
Pro-Life In NY Times
Saturday, October 3, 2009
LIFE CHAIN: Sunday October 4, 2:00pm
Friday, October 2, 2009
Octber is Respect Life Month
Update! CONGRATULATIONS!: In One Day FEDS Concede to Keep Christ in Christmas
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Vatican Calls New UN Population Control "Abuse of Power"
The Vatican's chief representative to the United Nations said giving foreign development aid only if a country adopts family planning programs that promote artificial birth control is "an abuse of power." Speaking at the United Nations in New York Sept. 29, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, papal nuncio to the world body, said true development entails respecting human life. However, in some parts of the world, "development aid seems to be tied rather to the recipient countries' willingness to adopt programs which discourage demographic growth of certain populations by methods and practices disrespectful of human dignity and rights," he said. He said it is "both cynical and unfortunate" that the developed world frequently tries to export a mentality of artificial birth control to developing countries "as if it were a form of cultural progress or advancement." "To predicate the decision to give development aid on the acceptance of such policies constitutes an abuse of power," CNS
St. Therese of Lisieux: Exhumation of Her Body
Catholic Femina Speaks: St. Therese of Lisieux is one of my favorite saints, and these clip is in French, but it is worth watching. Since today is her feast day I thought that it would be a great opportunity to post this. Her body is in-corrupt and the miracles attributed to her are always growing.
Obama To Keep Christ out of Christmas
“Banning Christmas from the Capitol Christmas tree is just absurd. Christian students shouldn’t be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “The First Amendment does not allow government officials to exclude schoolchildren’s ornaments for the capitol’s Christmas tree merely because they communicate a religious viewpoint.”
Bishop Charged With Child Porn
Monday, September 28, 2009
Holy Father Calling For "Truth" In Catholic Universities
Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the Czech; Pope Benedict held a meeting in the famous Castle of Prague and took the opportunity to speak on Catholic higher education: “I address you as one who has been a professor, solicitous of the right to academic freedom and the responsibility for the authentic use of reason, and is now the Pope who, in his role as Shepherd, is recognized as a voice for the ethical reasoning of humanity... The freedom that underlies the exercise of reason, be it in a university or in the Church, has a purpose: it is directed to the pursuit of truth, and as such gives expression to a tenet of Christianity which in fact gave rise to the university....Indeed,” he continued, “man’s thirst for knowledge prompts every generation to broaden the concept of reason and to drink at the wellsprings of faith. It was precisely the rich heritage of classical wisdom, assimilated and placed at the service of the Gospel, which the first Christian missionaries brought to these lands and established as the basis of a spiritual and cultural unity which endures to this day.”
Digging into the thorny issue of academic freedom in universities, and the autonomy usually claimed by the academic world, Pope Benedict said that the proper autonomy of a university finds meaning in “its accountability to the authority of truth.”
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Belief in God Not Growing
Catholic Femina Speaks: It is disturbing to hear how Christianity is declining in the United States, while Atheism is nearly doubling. It is also sad to see how New England is loosing it's Catholic identity; an area with once over 50% Catholic has dropped to less than 36%."The decline of Catholicism in the Northeast in nothing short of stunning" said Barry Kosmin a leader in the study of religious patterns. This drop has shifted the Catholic center of the US to the southwest with their growing number of faithful due to the influx of Hispanic immigrants. I believe that we are going to see an even greater drop in those identifying themselves as Catholics in the New England area since the United States Bishops have been taking a stronger stand against pro-abortion politicians, falsely claiming Catholicity. Many people who are culturally Catholic will flee if the truth is taught.
Is DOMA Catholic? Or An Invasion On the Church?
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a "legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws, and provides that states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex." Thirty-nine states have passed legislation and constitutional amendments to protect marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Thirty-five Catholic lawmakers are not backing DOMA; these same lawmakers have a track record of pro-abortion, anti-family voting... One Nation Under God
First: As a Catholic I do not recognize marriages by the state, only sacramental marriages. Federal rulings on marriage is taking from the Church to give to the state, and I am opposed taking Church power.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Catholic Cammpaign For (In)Human Development
Here is a list of the groups funded by the CCHD advocating abortion or prostitution, or both:
1. The Chinese Progressive Association -- CPA
CPA has been funded by the CCHD for the last four years and was scheduled to receive $30,000 this year. Its 2008 voters guide urged Californians to vote against proposition 8 and proposition 4 requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortions.
2. Los Angeles Community Network -- LA CAN
CCHD has just defunded this organization which was to receive $40,000 this year. LACAN promotes same-sex marriage, contraception, and the morning-after pill.
3. The Rebecca Project for Human Rights
The Rebecca Project, funded by the USCCB for the last four years, joined Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations in signing a “wish list” of reproductive priorities for President Obama to carry out during his first 100 days in office. This list includes proposals to increase funding for contraception and abortion, defunding abstinence programs, and the end of the Mexico City Policy.
4. The Women’s Community Revitalization Project
This organization was scheduled to receive $30,000 from the CCHD. It is a "coalition partner" of WomenVotePA, which advocates abortion, the morning-after pill, contraception, and same-sex "marriage."
5. Young Workers United
Scheduled to receive $25,000 from the CCHD. It publicly supports abortion, same-sex "marriage," and the legalization of prostitution. Their 2008 voters guide opposed proposition 8 and proposition 4 in California. The organization also advocated decriminalizing prostitution and urged and advised San Francisco voters to adopt proposition K.
Another important detail was mentioned by LifeSiteNews.com in its report. TheRob Gasper, the founder of Bellarmine Veritas Ministry, is to be congratulated for his investigation. I hope he will continue his investigation into lists of CCHD grantees from earlier years -- I am sure he will find more of the same, unfortunately, for Catholics around the nation whose money was being ill spent. Inside Catholic
CCHD cannot fund or defund any organization without permission of the local
bishop, according to the CCHD director Ralph McCloud. This means that the
scandal of CCHS grant-making is not just the problem of the USCCB staff, it is
the problem of all the bishops who sign off on funding for groups like the Los
Angeles Community Network in their dioceses.
Catholic Femina Speaks: We as Christians are called to give of our time, talent, & treasure... and as my husband says "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself." The day of blindly paying organizations to care for the poor and under privileged without investigating the evidence of the organizations morals is ending. People are going to have to go out get their hands a little dirty... find out where their "treasure" is going and confirm that funds are used to support good organizations. There is no better assurance that you are supporting a good Catholic organization than investigating it yourself. The USCCB is not a reliable stamp of approval. Simple questions such as what organizations do you support? Or is Planned Parenthood involved with any of your affiliates? These are good starter questions before supporting a cause. I was shocked over the ACORN scandal, but this is much worse... our bishops have blindly given the stamp of approval to an organization that undermines morality. The Culture of Death has infiltrated the Catholic organizations and the faithful must look before they give. We are responsible for where our money is spent. If our donations are used for abortions, then we are paying for abortions. If donors are interested in where their money is spent, and check up on these organizations less of these issues will arise. People will be more careful to avoid scandal and bribes. Pray for the leaders of the Church, and help them by being interested in the happenings around your diocese.
For Others on this Topic...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Stop The "Sheep Stealing" It's Politically Incorrect!
Proselytism, or the deliberate targeting of another Christian or group of Christians for the sole purpose of getting them to reject their church to join another, is not allowed. Some people may feel called in conscience to change from one tradition to another, but “sheep stealing” is unacceptable! The term proselytism originated in the context of Judaism, in which the term proselyte referred to someone who, coming from the gentiles, had passed into the Chosen People. So too, in the Christian context, the term proselytism was often used as a synonym for missionary activity. More recently, however, the term has taken on a negative connotation, to mean the promotion of a religion by using means, and for motives, contrary to the spirit of the Gospel; that is, which do not safeguard the freedom and dignity of the human person. It is in this sense that the term proselytism is understood in the context of the ecumenical movement."
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wierd News: Frosty Shrapnel Removed from Man's Lung
RALEIGH, N.C. - Doctors say a North Carolina man who was plagued with coughing fits should be OK now that they have removed a 1-inch piece of plastic from his lung, where it had rested since he apparently inhaled it nearly two years ago while sucking down a soft drink at a Wendy's restaurant. Doctors at Duke University Medical Center say the plastic fragment of an eating utensil — with the Wendy's logo still legible on the side — was likely to blame for the coughing, fatigue and pneumonia spells that plagued John Manley for almost two years. They pulled the fast-food foreign object from Manley's left lung during a Sept. 10 surgery. The 50-year-old Wilmington resident said he probably inhaled it while gulping a drink from Wendy's. NBC
Catholic Femina Speaks: He inhaled the end of his spoon while drinking his frosty?!! If this was a flavor it would be Shrapnel. I love Frosties, but I don't ever eat the spoon... I guess this was a die hard Wendy's fan. This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "fast food kills!"
Cabrini College: Not Really Catholic
Catholic Femina Speaks: First, Cabrini is not a Catholic college. Just because Catholic is in your title does not make your teachings Catholic. This action is contrary to the faith and this college is not on the Newman guide to Catholic colleges, for good reason. Secondly, I can not be classified as ALANA; but I would be angry that I was lumped with LGBT to be added for diversity. Students are free to attend what ever school they choose and their race should not be the deciding factor if they are seeking real equality. Furthermore my third point, why have an “Office of Student Diversity Initiatives?” College is expensive enough, cut out the pork… funding this ill-thought out anti-Catholic program costs the students more money and makes it harder for students to attend college. If you are looking for a
Thursday, September 17, 2009
French Preschool Teacher Bites Child?
French court has fined a preschool teacher $1,450 for biting the cheek of an allegedly unruly 4-year-old during a bathroom break. The court in the Normandy town of Lisieux handed down the fine Wednesday over the March 2007 incident in the nearby town of Houlgate. The teacher had denied the boy's claim and said he had been misbehaving. The ruling came after a medical report showed a bruise on his face.The school reprimanded the 48-year-old teacher weeks afterward. In keeping with French judicial practice, the court didn't identify the woman because she is still teaching. MSN
Catholic Femina Speaks: I could not believe this story... I have a three year old, and she is adorable, wonderful, imaginative, and a fibber. As all preschool age children she likes to embellish the truth. On occasions she has told me that her stuffed toys came to life, I feel sorry for the humiliation this woman had to go through over a toddler's accusation. Any court that would take the testimony of a four-year-old over an adult is an abomination. A child of four is bound to have multiple bruises at any time from normal activity, and as this was not a bite mark and there was not reasonable evidence of contact I find this story absurd.
45% of Doctors Plan to Flee Obama Care!
Catholic Answers has posted a questions: Would doctors consider leaving their practice if Obama care goes into effect? The numbers have been calculated and an overwhelming 45% of physicians would leave their practice because they could not offer quality health care in the purposed plan.
ACORN: Aiding to the Sexual Assault on Children
ACORN, (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) calling the actions of some of its employees “indefensible,” has suspended advising new clients as part of its service programs and is setting up an independent review to see what happened.
ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis said in a written statement that she was “ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN’s service programs until completion of an independent review.” Big Government