He said I quote: “God is calling my son to his future vocation. I am just helping him find his plan taking him to visit all the colleges on his short list.” He continued enlightened, “actually I am trying to stay as detached as possible to the decision, so that I do not influence him and drown out God’s voice calling him to his vocation in life.”
This piece of wisdom has aided me greatly in youth ministry and in helping my siblings. For the high school senior God is placing a plan in your heart, his plan for your life. We know that God has a plan for us, but we have free will and must choose to carry it out. For this father taking his son to visit colleges the most important thing was not the financial aid, closeness to home, scholarships, or the meal plan, it was God’s will for his son. All these things help, but God must come first. Parents and guardians must keep this in mind, it is your kids vocation and God calls them not you the parent. Advice is helpful, but not pressure. Pray for your high school seniors in a special way that they might find God’s plan and follow it whole heartedly.
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