In the wake of G8 Pope Benedict came out to warn about the dangers of the present. The Pope began by saying:"
"The absolutism of technology, which finds its clearest expression in certainHe wanted to warn the world against interfering with the place of God, the manipulation of embryos, abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, birth control. The Pope marveled that all these things are done in the supposed interest of humanity.
practices contrary to life”, could "draw dark scenarios for the future of
humanity" ANI
“These acts that do not respect the true dignity of the person - said the pope -The Pope is calling the world to take a holistic look at the people. Then to change, and make a new economic system reflecting the needs of people and not use technology in place of the role of God. Furthermore the Holy Father wants us to look at countries that are in need in light of the economic situation. He wants people to not think of the socialistic view of government responsibility, rather to take it upon them to make the world better. The Pope is calling on everyone:
even when they seem motivated by a 'choice of love', in reality are the result
of a 'material and mechanistic conception of human life', which reduces ' love
without truth to ‘an empty shell to fill arbitrarily' (cf. No. 6 of the
encyclical) and can thus result in adverse effects in integral human
development." Citing other issues in the encyclical, he reiterated that life
“has become a radically anthropological question' in the sense that it involves
the very way we conceive the human being who is increasingly placed in the hands
of man himself through modern biotechnology Solutions to current problems of
humanity can not only be technical, but must take into account all the needs of
the person who has a soul and body." ANI
“ to accompany me with prayer. Prayer knows no distance and separation: wherever we are, it makes us one heart and one mind. " ANIThe Holy Father is heading for his much needed vacation in Les Combes.
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