"James Pouillon today joined the approximately 4,000 other victims who will be killed today because of abortion," said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life.
"The taking of all innocent lives must stop. I call on the leaders of the so called 'pro-choice' movement to condemn this killing and to consider all of the people who lose their lives to abortion every single day."
"Mr. Pouillon was known as the 'sign guy' because he had the courage to show people what abortion really is," said Janet Morana, Priest for Life's Executive Director.
"This brutal murder will not deter pro-lifers from continuing to expose the horror of what abortion does, not just to the baby who loses his life, but also to the mother who lives with the truth of abortion the rest of her life."
"In the Fifties and Sixties, people lost their lives to secure the civil rights of those victimized by discrimination," added Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Now, James Pouillon has lost his life in the civil rights cause of the 21st Century, the struggle to protect the right to life of every single person, born and unborn. Mr. Pouillon has not died in vain; the struggle will only be renewed because of his courage and sacrifice." EARNED MEDIA
Catholic Femina Speaks: The culture of death is not solely interested in the demise of unborn infants, this is evident in their targeting elderly and less fortunate. Americans need to be weary of Planned Parenthood, Government health care, and anything that seeks to end the lives of Americans at any stage of development. James Pouilon is a victim of these organizations and his death was because of them. He is a martyr for life and will continue his work in heaven. I know that abortion supporters are ignoring this death because they have idealized abortion and do not want to see it for its fruit: murder.
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