After the Belmont Abbey incident, I was saddened to see another Catholic University in the headlines… but this time it is the attacker not the attackee. Gonzaga University is not expressing the Catholic faith. Their mission as a Catholic institute is to: “affirm the heritage which has developed through two thousand years of Christian living, theological reflection, and authentic interpretation. And as Jesuit, we are inspired by the vision of Christ at work in the world, transforming it by His love, and calling men and women to work with Him in loving service of the human community.” This is a beautiful Catholic mission lost long ago, now Gonzaga University is a spokes person for Planned Parenthood. Susie Prusch is Gonzaga's Manager of University Events and is a contact for questions in regard to commencement and major university functions. A gentleman, Stan W. Bill, emailed Prusch about a Lifesites News article. In response Prusch wrote in reply:
"Anyone who supports Sarah Palin is an A## hole. A dumb A## hole. Planned Parenthood is a great organization which does a great job of helping many women who need medical treatment, help, and advice, and support throughout their pregnancy.”
Jill Stanek
Catholic Femina Speaks: We now know that Gonzaga should be added to the list of fraudulent Catholic Colleges, with Notre Dame. To keep the Catholic faith in daily life is an essential aspect to a Catholic University. Defending an organization that provides abortion and hurts women is wrong. Prusch even says P.P. “does a great job!” Maybe if you are in favor of killing unborn babies, but her assumption is that the organization aids women through pregnancy. She has either buried her head in the sand or is truly lost; because defending the nation’s leading Death Machine is not the role of a Catholic. Abortion is the only sin listed for excommunication, so I wonder what happens to a Catholic University that promotes it, can the Pope stripe their title. Or does the response have to come from Catholics who stop supporting the University. I hope that Gonzaga University will dismiss this employee and get on track to return their very lost University to the faith.
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