The World Net Daily “Most likely you've heard Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Nowhere is this more obvious today than with political and religious conservatives, the so-called right. What do I mean? Next month the right will send millions of their own children to public schools that are literally controlled by the left – meaning that it is only the liberals' "values," "morals" and curriculum that are taught in our government schools.”
Some may ask if this is true – can liberals actually be running the schools? Is it possible that there is a direct link between our country's precipitous slide into socialism and decades of indoctrination in leftist school ideologies? You be the judge. Read below what the founder of today's schools and other public school advocates have said over the years:
"I believe that ... [public] education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform ... this conception has due regard for ... socialistic ideals." and "There is no God and there is no soul. ... There is no room for fixed ... or moral absolutes."
– John Dewey, father of modern public education and signer of Humanist Manifesto 1930
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?"
– C.F. Potter, signer of Humanist Manifesto 1930
"... [E]very child in American entering schools at the age of 5 is insane because he comes to schools with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. ..."
– Chester Pierce, professor of education at Harvard (1970)
"The old order is passing. … Social controls cannot be left to blind chance. ... Man must be the builder of new forms of social organizations. … Here [public] education must play a stellar role."
– Dan W. Dodson, professor of educational sociology at N. Y. University (1970)
"We are the biggest potential political striking force [union] in this country, and we are determined to control the direction of [public] education."
– NEA President Catherine Barrett (1972)
"Public schools promote civic rather than individual pursuits. ... We must focus on creating citizens for the good of society. … Each child belongs to the state."
– William H. Seawell, professor of education (1981)
"... [T]he battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classrooms by teachers who correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new religion. … The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity ... and the new faith of humanism. ..."
– John Dunphy, 1983 (Secular-Humanist)
"We do not need any more preaching about right or wrong. The old 'thou shall nots' simply are not relevant. Values clarification is a method for teachers to change the values of children without getting caught."
– Dr. Sidney Simon, creator of "Values Clarification"
Catholic Femina Speaks: There is very little that I can add to this... the public schools are a place of corruption and ignorance is not true bliss. If you put your children under the care of the state you can expect them to reflect this. Pope Benedict reflected on this yesterday, the feast of St. Monica the mother of St. Augustine. She tirelessly worked for the conversion of her son, and the Holy Father is calling all parents to follow her example. To parent a child is to guide them through the world and help them find their way to God; and the state is never going to facilitate this.
presented very well.