At the name of Jesus every name should bend… and now they will! Pope Benedict has been working to return the reverence surrounding the Eucharist. Cardinal Llovera, the new prefect for the
Catholic Femina Speaks: There are too many liturgical abuses that cannot be stopped when there are dozens of Eucharistic ministers in every direction. People race through Communion like ants try to get back to their pew. The faithful have difficulty realizing that Jesus is present when they are passing by the Communion line like the ice cream stand. The problem that needs to be taken up now, are the modern churches that are not inductive to reverence and more concerned about stadium seating and lighting. The Communion rail has been missing for a long time… but we might see the revival soon.
Well put. There should be more reverence. Even a proper bow before accepting the Host would be a step in the right direction.
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